
They call me (Dead-Eye)... not really but I like it so...

Welcome to Dedi's place. This is a where you will find the mild ravings of a mad woodworker, some fishy tales, tasty recipes, and some good generalized BS.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It is finished! "Lion and the Lamb" woods used are Aspen, Teak, Walnut, Sycamore, Bubinga, Mahogany, Maple, Ebony, and Shedua. This was fun and challenging piece and I will be entering it in the State Fair. This one of my very favorite piece's I have done and am looking forward to giving to a very special Lady who bought it in our Church Youth Gala this past spring. glad she is a patient person. Anyway thanks for looking and hope you like it .

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Making some good progress I was up at 5:00 am today. worked all morning shaping the lions head, and body. I think it went rather well and is starting to turn into one of my favorite pieces. I love the look of the teak used in the mane the grain is really nice and represents hair pretty well.

Here is a look from the side showing a little more of the depth of this piece.

And here is a pic of the eye detail I was a little nervous about the shaping but I think I got it captured fairly well.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Well a little more progress tonight, I cut the pieces for the lamb (all but the eyes) Starting to look like something now. I'm excited to see this piece come together, still a ton of work here to do. This will be a very interesting piece to shape. I think I will be able to give this piece a lot of dimension, and depth, can't hardly wait until I get to shaping that mane!!
  I googled Lion and the Lamb and looked at a lot of images of others work on the same piece they all look great, but quite different from mine,  well you will just have to go see for yourself. The lady who commissioned this piece has graciously told me she will let me borrow it once I am done and enter it in the State Fair of Texas. Really hard to believe its been almost a year since I posted items here that I entered in last years state fair.

Monday, July 15, 2013

OK 2 posts in one night... I have started on "Lion and the Lamb" I have finished cutting out the Lion and have a good pic of the head so thought I would post it.
So far I have  2 shades of Teak dark (mane ) and yellow (muzzle), Walnut, Mahogany, Aspen, Maple, Ebony, and Sycamore.

Well I finished a piece called "Summer Daze" it was quite a challenge to get it right, different for what I am used to doing. The shaping of the chair just was tuff to do and get right but I made it through. It was a fun piece and my fav parts are the flip flops. Overall I am happy with the piece but it's not my favorite, which might explain why it took me 3 months to finish. Anyway I have already started on another piece the "Lion and the Lamb" both pieces were sold in the Youth Gala this past spring.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wow I can't believe it's was January since my last post... not sure where the time goes. Anyway I started a new Intarsia project called "Summer Daze" it was a piece I sold at our youth gala fundraiser. I'll post pics along the way. Not sure why... no one is following this blog anyway but maybe someday I'll keep up better and someone will follow it, we will see.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I won! I won! I won! I won! Not a major award but I submitted a scroll saw tip to Scrollsaw Woodworking and Craft magazine and won Top Tip and my tip was published in the spring addition. They told me I had won 2 prizes a Dragon and a Motor Kit.... not sure what either of those are I assume the Dragon is a pattern but not sure about the Motor Kit.. i'll let you know when they arrive.

I also started on my other "Eagle " but won't get finished with it until after we get back from Vegas and seeing my granddaughter. As soon as I finish that I and going to start on a wooden gear clock more on that in some later posts (shhhh the wife doesn't know about that yet) she never reads the blog so not really worried. Till next time!