
They call me (Dead-Eye)... not really but I like it so...

Welcome to Dedi's place. This is a where you will find the mild ravings of a mad woodworker, some fishy tales, tasty recipes, and some good generalized BS.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's my blog so i guess I can rant a little. What the hell is wrong with people? I went to wash the wifes car today and there were 2 young men at the carwash having some kind of  car stereo war, neither of which had any taste for good music. Both were young white guys playin' like they were some kinda gangster or something, saggin ass pants music so loud the vacuums couldn't cover it. I am all for personal freedom, and I played my music loud when I was young but I tried not offend others. I do have a right to go to a public place and not subjected to someone else's crap profane music. What do you do though... say something and get shot? Just got out of there as quick as I could and moved on.

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