
They call me (Dead-Eye)... not really but I like it so...

Welcome to Dedi's place. This is a where you will find the mild ravings of a mad woodworker, some fishy tales, tasty recipes, and some good generalized BS.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Back to new after a couple of weeks down with the creeping crud, finally got back into the shop.... right before I got sick I started cutting "Remembering Rose". I am making it for my church's Fall Festival and worked all day on it yesterday trying to finish it so I could have for the "preview" which was today and I just made it in time. So here she is...made from Aspen, Sycamore, Ambrosia Maple, Quilted Soft Maple, Purple-heart, Padauk, Bubinga, and Walnut. she is about 16" x 16" and has about 75 pcs.

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