
They call me (Dead-Eye)... not really but I like it so...

Welcome to Dedi's place. This is a where you will find the mild ravings of a mad woodworker, some fishy tales, tasty recipes, and some good generalized BS.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I sold my shark puzzle, funny it's been for sale for about a year or more and I thought I would sell it pretty quick. OH well you just can't tell. I'd like to think updating the ETSY store front had something to do with it so we will see. Yesterday I put up my" Ktties and that darned Mouse" puzzle. I have several more puzzles I need to add to ETSY over the next few nights.

I wish it would cool down so I can get in the shop, been about 100 or better last week or two. I have several items I want / need to make... an Angel for the church's fall festival, and I have an idea to try. I have a book of tattoo patterns by Lora Irish that I want convert to some of the patterns to fretwork and make some wall "Tat's".

Still working on the church Legacy Board came to a good decision this evening so now I guess i'll have to go to Rockler or Woodcraft this weekend and get some 1/4" maple. I'll put up some pics and explain a bit later.

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